The Chingona’s Sabbatical

A 6-month trauma-informed group coaching program and community for soul-searching ambitious Latinas ready to find their purpose and have the strength to create their own path


A note to those who take interest:

This small intimate group of Latinas is coming together as a community to rest, reflect, and reconnect with themselves. This group program is a safe space to explore all parts of yourself and engage in deep conversations about your purpose, with others who are on the same path. You will be heard, seen, and lovingly guided towards the life meant for you, surrounded by people who want to help you get there.


The word Chingona is one associated with hustle, resilience, and survival… but when we only use these words to describe what it means to be a Chingona, it feels exhausting.

Our ancestors survived, which is why we’re here, but they didn’t work and sacrifice so much for us to still be tired all the damn time. The way we can honor the lineage that came before us is by taking what was gifted to us and create a different reality for ourselves and all of the Latinas who come after us.

We now have the privilege to not just survive, but thrive.


If this is what you are seeking,

you are in the right place.

You want to reconnect with what energizes you and brings you joy

You want to be confident about your strengths

You want to take action to make changes in your life

You want to build relationships with other Latinas on a similar journey

You want to authentically live the life meant for you, not the life expected of you


Imagine what dreams would surface if you gifted yourself the time to tap into your heart’s desires and had a community of Latinas to support you in authentically living out your purpose.


Gain clarity on your purpose and the legacy you want to build.

Break through old stories and limiting beliefs.

Create a confident mindset to live out your dreams.

Connect to the values you want to guide your life.

Learn to operate from a place of peace and abundance.

Identify actionable steps to live out your vision of self.


Steph found her purpose in college, but after a series of events, she set it aside because she feared messing it up again. She has now reclaimed her purpose and finds the strength to keep showing up in it every day. Watch the full video here.

Marcela found her purpose before joining the program and was seeking a community of Latinas to support her in continuing to take action to bring it to life. Her purpose continues to expand the more she leans into it and sheds the relationships that aren’t empowering her to grow. Watch the full video here.

Why should you trust me to guide you through a sabbatical that has the potential to change your life?

Seven years ago I took a sabbatical, and now I live the life I dreamed of during that time. This life came from scary decisions, deep introspection, and action to move in the direction of my dreams.

The scary decisions: 

  • I divorced a wonderful man. To the outside world, we were #relationshipgoals, but inside I felt stuck

  • I tried to have a baby… because it was what society told me I was supposed to do. I finally said, “I don’t want a baby and I never will.”

  • I walked away from a successful 15-year career that was sucking my energy and leaving me feeling disconnected.

The deep introspection:

  • A 6-month sabbatical to explore my purpose in life

  • Daily meditation, sometimes multiple times a day

  • Regular journaling to unpack my past experiences

  • Space for limitless dreaming

  • Exploration of passion and joy

  • Clarity of values to guide decision-making

The life that emerged:

  • A community that loves and appreciates who I am, while also lovingly pushing me toward my greatness

  • A career that energizes me and connects me to the people I am meant to serve

  • Showing up in the world as my bold and unapologetic self

What participants have said.


“Michelle is the bomb dot com. She is patient, she reads the room well, she is affirming, she gets it, she has dope music taste, and she is authentic and honest. I learned so much from her. Her vision for this group is a blessing to the world.”

— LeShonne W. Segura


What to Expect in the Curriculum


1. Find Comfort in the Discomfort of Change

As you find your purpose and plan a purpose-driven life, you will inevitably have parts of yourself that do not want you to pursue the unknown. There will be parts of you that don't feel safe creating an unfamiliar path.

I will teach you a process to engage with the various parts of yourself that show up when you are moving your life in a new direction.

You will learn to go deeper than just putting an affirmation over discomfort to suppress it. You will learn to welcome engagement with all of the different parts of yourself and bring calm to the parts that are acting out from fear and discomfort.

I have thoughtfully mapped out how our experience begins to create a foundation of safety among the group and guidelines for how we will repair if safety is broken along the way.

2. Release Limiting Beliefs to Be Authentically You

We are born whole and complete. Too often, we exist as people-pleasers, as opposed to confidently being ourselves.

We’ve learned since childhood to assimilate and change who we are, to be able to exist in what might feel like a more peaceful way. But in reality, when we are not our authentic selves, we create more discomfort for ourselves.

You will learn to separate the outside noise from who you truly are. You will assess if you are in the environments and around the people who help you to show up in the world as yourself. And you will have support to make adjustments to create the conditions to be fully you.

You will learn to tap back into intuition when you are doubting yourself. You will have a toolkit of strategies and exercises that help you to acknowledge and process mental and emotional blockages so that you can keep moving forward.


3. Find What Energizes You and Expand It

When we're guided by what energizes us and brings us joy, we can expand more of who we are, take up more space, and show up in the world with agency to live our lives as we want to.

And when we lean more into our passions and being joyful, we start to attract experiences, opportunities, and people who match our level of joy and energy.

In The Chingona’s Sabbatical, you will have the time to reconnect to the desires of your heart, where your soul wants you to linger, and notice how your body and energy respond in your day-to-day to discover where you feel most energized and where you feel the most drained.

When you go through the process of unleashing your curiosity and creativity in your passions, you will be able to then start moving towards purpose with energy and joy.

4. Gain Confidence in Your Strengths

Passions plus strengths equal purpose. After leaning into your passions and expanding what brings you joy, you will start leaning into your strengths and the things that are naturally great about you.

As Latinas, we have been taught that we must struggle and hustle to fit in and survive in the spaces we’re moving in. But what if, instead, we explored our natural genius, and engaged in spaces where we get to lean into our strengths so that we can thrive using less energy, less struggle, and honoring what's already existing within us?

You do not need to be fixed. You do not need to work on your weaknesses. In this module, we will explore moving through life on the path of least resistance, by finding confidence in your strengths and leaning into others for support in the areas where they are great.


5. Identify Your Purpose and Find Clarity for Your Life

You will craft an overarching ultimate vision for your life rooted in your purpose. Your purpose is alive within you and waiting for you to reconnect with it. There are times in your life where it has already been present. I will support you to find those threads from the past and weave them together in the present for clear direction.

In this module, you will craft your purpose statement that will serve as the guide for your decisions, help to set standards for you and your life and establish the boundaries you need to set moving forward.

6. Find Values-Aligned Relationships and Environments that Honor Your Boundaries

Your purpose coupled with your core values guide the path to living out a purpose-driven life. Clarity of values provides a solid foundation you can rely on when life is difficult and you are being tested. There will be times when living out your purpose will be difficult and your values will provide a guide to get through. In this module, you will gain clarity on your core values, so when you are feeling misaligned, your values will guide you back to what is true to you.


7. Dream Big and Identify Small Actions Steps to Build that Vision Over Time

As you wrap up this beautiful journey of being in community, learning how to tap into self, and connect with your purpose, you will start processing what needs to happen in order to move forward into your purpose-driven life.

In this section of the program, you will go through a variety of exercises and worksheets that will help you bring all of your learnings together and identify specific decisions to move forward. You will have a variety of options from vision boards, SMART goals, and mind mapping that appeal to your creative and strategic preferences. The process is different and unique for everyone. I will support you to have a Purpose Plan that reminds you of the journey you have been on and provides a clear path forward.

Whatever your action steps look like, you will have big dreams and tangible steps to bring them to life. With each small successful step forward your goals and actions will become bigger, and you can feel success repeatedly on the journey to purpose.

Amiga, you do not have to be on this journey alone. When you surround yourself with other Latinas who believe in you and lovingly challenge you to rise up, you are able to dream bigger than you ever have. Let’s close the gap between where you are now and the life you are meant to live.

LeShonne initially signed up for the program for Latina friendships. She came to realize her purpose journey would come through her personal life more than the professional. She reignited her love for teaching by completing a yoga certification and pursued a coaching certification next. Watch the full video here.

After a season of grief and questioning what she wanted next in her life, Daniella joined the program and transitioned into a full-time sabbatical. She is now living out the dreams in her sabbatical journal and modeling to others what strength and curiosity look like on a purpose journey. Watch the full video here.

What People Are Saying


“The fact that no one in the group ever made me feel like aspiring for bigger and greater things was foolish. Surrounding yourself with the right people makes tons of difference to encourage you to keep going.”

— Victoria Sorensen

“I really think it made such a difference. I know there isn't one monolithic experience as a Latina but there were a lot of similarities that allowed me to share without feeling like I had to add all this additional context so that others could understand.”

— Stephanie Gomez

“It reminded me that I am deserving of sisterhood. Each day, I know that I am growing into an even more loving version of myself, and I'm so grateful that I am connected with other women who I can commune with!”

— LeShonne W. Segura


This is for Latinas ready to…

  • Build community with other Latinas on a similar journey of self-exploration

  • Lean into vulnerability in a safe space where they can explore emotions and mindsets they have been setting aside and are ready to explore

  • Creatively explore their passions and strengths

  • Reconnect with their purpose and/or refine what their purpose is

  • Determine what it looks like to live a purpose-driven life

What People Are Saying.

“I've never read about in any storyline: a doctora, single, not a mother, and very PROUD of her narrative and truth! Michelle walks SO openly into your life, and allows all of us to be on her journey.”

— Amy Rivas

The Details


6 Months

You will have access to the online platform for a year. You can work through the lessons and exercises at your own pace. The group coaching sessions will be weekly for 6 months. We meet on Wednesday nights at 5:15 pm PST.

Expert-Led Workshops

Guest coaches will join us occasionally to host a workshop that goes deeper on a part of the Thriving Chingona Purpose Formula, topics such as somatic healing, boundaries in relationships, and financing your purpose.

Online Platform

You will have access to an online platform with 7 modules. Each module has 3 lessons that break down the concept. There are also more than 30 mindset meditations and journal prompts and 25 exercises that will assist you on your journey to a purpose-driven life.

Purpose-Driven Calls

During the purpose-driven calls, there will be guided exercises and reflection to further your clarity of purpose. Breakout rooms and whole group conversation during these calls will be an opportunity to further your thinking and build community with other Latinas also on their journey to purpose-driven living. This time will also assist you in processing what is coming up for you as you reconnect with yourself and set intentions moving forward.

Open Coaching Calls

During these calls, you can join and receive coaching on whatever part of your purpose journey that you would like support with.

Community of Chingonas

Private Online Group

There is a private online group for your cohort where you can all engage with one another between sessions. This is a place to share reflections, pose questions, celebrate one another, and post resources that could benefit the group.

Thriving Chingona nameplate necklace

Every Latina in the program receives a Thriving Chingona nameplate necklace to help them always feel connected to their purpose and the community of other Thriving Chingonas building purpose-driven lives. You can spot previous participants of The Chingona’s Sabbatical wearing their necklaces proudly.

$3,600 investment

or 6 payments of $600

Some employers cover this under professional development funds.

*I can share a sample proposal with you to support requesting professional development funds.

What People Are Saying.

“Community---I need it so much and the feminine energy has been so healing!”

“My strengths are finally becoming clearer to me and I feel like I am able to ‘dream’ more.”